Technical translations
Choose from over 70 fields of expertise
Machine & plant engineering
Our technical translators work on your operating instructions, user manuals and technical handbooks for end customers and the manufacturing industry
Automotive · Ship · Aviation · Rail
Technical translations for shipbuilding, automotive engineering, aerospace technology and rail construction have been among our core competencies for many years.
Telecommunications & IT
A separate department for the translation of texts from network technology as well as source codes for software and games development ensures our expertise in information technology.
Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
We also translate texts from the fields of pharmaceutical production and research, the paint and varnish industry, the polymer industry, but also for agricultural fertilisers and plant protection.
Medical technology & products
You have developed the perfect medical product for your niche? Our medical translators can help you market it globally in foreign languages. Just contact our customer support.
Civil engineering · Architecture
Our technical translation department further specialises in the translation of international construction projects for hydraulic engineering, housing construction, tunnelling and road construction, etc.
Technical translations for global markets
Discover the quality of our work with a free sample translation
Customer ServiceTechnical translation with professional expertise
As a technical translation company, Termbase specialises in business customers from industry, commerce and science and ensures an excellent appearance at home and abroad through the proper translation of your technical texts and technical documentation. In addition to the standard languages of technical translation in German, English, French or Spanish, we can translate into almost any language in the world, including Chinese (Mandarin), Russian, Japanese or Turkish. Professional project and quality management and personal customer service go without saying. Simply send us your texts by e-mail and receive a cost estimate or let our customer service advise you by phone.
As a central component of global market activities, both technical translations and the writing of technical documentation in a foreign language require special due diligence. We offer a quality guarantee for our technical translation services.
Within the framework of a proper and coherent translation of technical texts, manuals, operating instructions or handbooks, our technical translators pursue the goal of presenting your documents in a manner appropriate to their specific purpose and in tune with the intended target group.
Be it B2C translations for the end customer or for cooperating partners at B2B level: as a technical translation service, we only employ translators with technical degrees and excellent linguistic skills. Simply request a free quote.
Translation of technical texts in all forms
.In order to meet ISO quality standards, your documents will be proofread for linguistic and interpretative accuracy after the translation process is complete. Simply contact our project management team to plan your technical translation.
Selection of some fields of application
- Consumer Electronics
- Microelectronics & Electrical Engineering
- Mining & Conveyor Technology
- Metal and steel industry
- Cellulose and paper industry
- Leather, footwear, textile industry
- Food industry
- Dosing, air-conditioning, ventilation technology
- Precision mechanics, optics
- Mechanical engineering, plant construction
- Automation, process control
- Medical technology, etc.

San Francisco
New Delhi
Cape Town
Buenos Aires
Tel Aviv